These general terms and conditions of sale (GTC) apply to all sales made on this website (hereinafter the «Website» or the «Website»). They set out the rights and obligations of the Parties in connection with the sale of a service on the Internet and are concluded between:

The SAAS software is made available to the Customer after signing a service contract. It allows the customer to contact talents.

A talent is an individual who wants to share their job data to find a job or mission.

The GTC are an integral part of our offer and are systematically brought to the attention of any Customer prior to placing an order. They prevail over all other conditions contained in any other document (information provided directly, advertising media, descriptions, etc.).
Any contrary condition opposed by the Client shall be unenforceable to the Company, regardless of when it may have been brought to our attention.
No handwritten or electronic signature is necessary to engage the Customer, the fact for the latter to tick the box «I have read the general conditions of sale and I accept them» before validating his order automatically implies the express acceptance by the latter of these GTC.
The GTC applicable are those in force on the day of the order made by the Customer. The Company reserves the right to modify these GTC without notice. These will then be applicable to sales made after the modification.

Service accessibility
The Website is accessible 24/24 and 7/7, unless interrupted, programmed or not by cannot be held responsible for any damage, whatever the nature, resulting from an unavailability of the Site.
The provision of the Customer account does not give him any rights or create any obligation at the expense of
The transmission of information over the Internet is secure. The Company takes all the provisions required by law to protect all the information of Customers on its Site, the Company cannot guarantee that the transmission of data to our Website is infallible in its protection. This transmission is at the Customer’s risk.
Customer service and complaints
For any question or complaint, our Customer Service is available to our Customers
A chat area is set up on our merchant site and access to a phone number via the application
whats app. An email address: is also available.

Services and Availability is a software to connect companies with a pool of known or unknown candidates on the day of the implementation of the software at the Customer.
The customer through his customer account can identify an administrator and users. These people will be able to access anyone who has agreed to share their data. Only administrators will be able to add or remove users from their organization.
The data concerned are: name, first name, email address, telephone, LinkedIn link, location, job, sector, schools, level of studies, CV and all the information included in the said CV and any comment left by the talent in pool.
It is forbidden to use the company account, customer, for any actions contrary to morality.
Only the job offer, internship, employee, freelance contract, or commercial contract for full or partial employment is allowed.
The Company reserves the right to change its offer at any time and without notice. Any accessibility problem less than 7 days does not offer any right to refund.
To date, talents benefit from a 24/24 7J7 service by accessing the application.

They provide companies with their contact details, they have the opportunity at any time to make themselves invisible by a company. They can also via the platform, change their information at any time and delete their account. They have access to company recruitment sites and missions posted on the site by companies.Companies can be clients or client clients

The Corporate Customer can subscribe to a fixed-term subscription.

The services for Talents are currently inactive, there is no direct subscription practiced by

To place an order as part of a subscription, the Customer must create an account, choose a username and password, to be kept strictly confidential.
To this end, the Customer undertakes to provide sincere, true and up-to-date information at the time of the order. The Company cannot be held responsible for the consequences resulting from erroneous or incomplete data, in particular in the details of the recipient, the types of services ordered, or the account to be debited. confirms the acceptance of the Customer’s order by email. reserves the right to request additional information from the Customer, and to suspend an order in a situation of alleged misuse of its reserves the right not to follow up on an order in particular in the event of the occurrence of any unforeseeable event. In such circumstances, no fees will be charged to the Customer. If so, will inform the Customer by any means.’s electronic records shall be considered by the Parties as proof of communications, orders, payments and transactions between the Parties. The contractual information, presented to the Customer in French, will be confirmed at the time of order validation.
The Customer is fully responsible for the information when registering the order. Consequently, we cannot be held liable in the event that is unable to fulfil the order due to errors, inaccuracies or omissions in relation to this information.
The Customer who wishes to order one or more products must:

Control of orders
In order to prevent fraudulent use of payment methods, Customer accounts, and to enhance the security of Customer transactions, the Company reserves the right to carry out controls on orders placed by its Customers. will thus be able to ask each Customer to send him documents justifying the authenticity of his identity, whether the Customer is a natural person or a legal person (K-bis).
In the context of these checks, if the supporting documents were not sent to or if the documents sent did not establish with certainty the identity of the author of the order and the reality of the domiciliation, the Company reserves the right not to validate the order.
It is forbidden for any company to solicit customers through the site. Any recruitment firm, association, GIE offering recruitment services, who uses a talent profile to identify opportunities that they wish to divert to their own account would be sued by the company in the relevant courts and cancel their account.
Any company that notices any solicitation must inform the company:
If a talent finds a company ad contrary to morality or discriminatory, it must inform the user company (the customer) and by email

The tariffs
The prices of the products expressed in euros and all taxes included, taking into account the applicable VAT rate, on the day of the order, are those in force.
The prices are for a given service according to the chosen offer and specified accordingly on the offer.
The Company reserves the right to change prices at any time. The Customer will be informed of any change in the price of the product compared to the price paid the previous deadline within a reasonable period.

Payments and unpaid
Upon initial subscription or monthly subscription request, the price is payable in cash on the day of order validation by the Customer.

As part of a subscription already subscribed, the debit of the credit card whose details have been transmitted to by the Customer will be made at the maximum 1 day before delivery. Accordingly,
the Customer undertakes to update his bank details so that payment can be made.
Payment can be made by bank transfer, or by direct debit if the customer completes the SEPA mandate.
Payment therefore takes place directly between the Customer and the payment platform. The information transmitted by the Customer from his computer is not shared with the employees of the Company, nor with third parties.
The details are recorded, which means that the Customer will not need to communicate this information during each new order. The payment will be automatically debited to his account.
In case of refusal of the bank payment center concerned, the order will be automatically canceled. In case of payment not validated the Customer must contact his bank and/ or the Customer service of
In case of non-payment, the order will be cancelled and the subscription suspended until the Customer’s bank details are updated.
No promotional code or discount code may be disproportionately transferred, shared, copied, reproduced or published. Any use, direct or indirect, in any form and by any means, by any person other than the original beneficiary of the promotional code is prohibited.
Only companies pay for a service that allows them to access profiles. Talent is not subject to payment

The information we collect comes from:

Personal data are used exclusively in accordance with the aforementioned purposes and approved by each Customer. The main purpose of collecting personal data is to offer safe, efficient and personalized services.
The information collected may be communicated to third parties linked to the Company by contract for the performance of subcontracted tasks necessary for the management of your profile. They will not be used for any other purpose in this context.
The personal information collected is intended for the Company, controller, and may be transmitted to our business partners if you have checked the box authorizing this transmission. Thus, the Company does not disclose your personal data to third parties unless you have expressly given your consent or if there is a legal obligation for the Company to do so.
The Company may, however, provide personally identifiable information, data generated by cookies, and aggregate information to service providers and agencies that the Company may engage to assist in providing its services to its customers.
These third parties will be required to use your personally identifiable information only in connection with the services they provide to the Company.
Finally, in the event of a merger or redemption of the Company, the personal data may be transmitted to the buyer or the acquiring company after the customers have been informed by email and by explicit warning on the Site. The personally identifiable information collected in the context of the use of the Site may be stored in France or in any country ensuring an adequate or sufficient level of protection of the privacy and fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals. By using the Site, each Customer expressly agrees to the transfer to France and elsewhere of personally identifiable information provided to the Company.
In accordance with Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, each Customer has the right to access, query, modify, rectify and delete data concerning him, as well as the right to object for legitimate reasons. If you wish to exercise this right you can write to
The Company will archive the purchase orders and invoices that will constitute, in accordance with article 1379 of the Civil Code, reliable copies resulting from an identical reproduction of the form and content of each purchase order and invoice.
Talents agree to share their personal data with the companies they select.
Personal data: name, surname, email, telephone, and all information on their CV, so that their location, working conditions and level of studies

Intellectual and industrial property
All texts, comments, works, illustrations, distinctive signs, databases and images reproduced on the Site are protected by the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code. Any use or reproduction, total or partial, on any medium and for any purpose, without the prior and express consent of, is prohibited and may be the subject of infringement proceedings.

Applicable law
These GTC are governed by French law. In the event of a dispute, the Client shall first contact the Company in order to find an amicable solution within one month. Failing this, jurisdiction is assigned to the competent courts of Nanterre

The nullity of a contractual clause hereof does not entail the nullity of all of the present, the clauses not cancelled retaining their full effect. The temporary non-application of one or more clauses hereof by shall not constitute a waiver on its part of these clauses.